
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Special Guest

We had a special guest on Thistle recently and we certainly enjoyed her company. Our younger daughter from San Francisco spent 10 days with us and although there were some rough spots, she did get an accurate picture of the cruising sailor's life.

She mentioned more than once how we didn't seem to have a schedule and how odd it was for her A-type personality parents to use such vague language when referring to planned activities. She also dealt with all kinds of bugs and one evening she found a frog in her bed. Welcome to cruising, kiddo.

Her biggest surprise was seeing the boat on the hard when she arrived, but she pitched right in with the bottom painting to help us get launched.

We then meandered up the ICW with stops at Cumberland Island, Jekyll Island, and Brunswick Landing. She often wears a style of clothing called Lolita, which was popularized in Japan starting in the 1980s, and she managed to pack two dresses for this trip, so we had some photo shoots too.

Here she is at the St. Augustine Light Station. We made a quick trip there before we splashed, and had dramatic views over the town and inlet that day.

At Cumberland Island the Dungeness ruins made a nice backdrop. We also enjoyed seeing the ponies, turkeys, huge old oak trees, and, we even found some fossilized shark teeth.

Jekyll Island with its charming Historic District, made for another enjoyable day and more great photos. 

We also drove to Savannah and enjoyed its gracious style, beautiful homes, and a ghost tour. Maybe more than that though, we enjoyed the air conditioning at our AirBnB. As Katie said, "I think Georgia's trying to kill me and I'm going to die and melt into a little salty puddle!"

She went home with a sunburn, mosquito bites, boat bites, and a canker sore, so maybe she was right about Georgia trying to kill her. She texted me when she got off the plane in San Francisco, "I'm safely back in SF and it's beautifully cold."

Beautifully cold?

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