
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Corwith Cramer and SEA

One afternoon while anchored in Belfast, Martin, from the Dutch boat Princes Mia, rowed by and invited us to an event at the local boatyard. He said it would include a tour of the boatyard, so of course we hopped in our dinghy, because we love seeing boats and boatyards.

When we arrived we learned that the tour was arranged in conjunction with the Ocean Cruising Club and Sea Education Association, and would include a look at their tall ship Corwith Cramer. Not only were we welcome to join the tour, but for a small fee we could join their little cocktail party afterwards too.

After thirty years, the ship is undergoing a refit here at the Front Street Shipyard. This 134' steel brigantine was built in Spain and has sailed the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Mediterranean while introducing hundreds of college and high school students to life aboard a tall ship as they study our oceans. Based out of Woods Hole Massachusetts, the Corwith Cramer offers a wonderful experience for budding oceanographers and biologists.

The Front Street Shipyard is a recent success story here in Belfast. Started only six years ago, they are attracting large yachts and tall ships from all along the East Coast. They not only maintain and refit yachts, they also build them and have a modern marina too. This is their large lift. It's rated for 480 tons!

We also saw the Spirit of South Carolina hauled out. We last saw it in St. Augustine back in April.

I am so glad we joined Martin for an interesting afternoon with the kind folks from Ocean Cruising Club. 

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