
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Mount Vernon

Yesterday, three hours after leaving Washington DC, we anchored below Mount Vernon. This morning we took our dinghy to their wharf, checked in with the dockmaster, and toured the estate.
The estate has been owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association since 1858. They accept no government funding and maintain and operate the estate through ticket sales and private donations.

Lucky for us, we were on a tour with several school groups and photography was encouraged; normally it's not allowed. We were surprised at the bright colors used on the walls, but the docent explained that the home has been accurately restored to how it would have been at the time of Washington's death in 1799.
And after a little Googling of the Federal style of decor, I learned that these bright colors were all the rage.

There is also a museum on the property with a great display of Washington's history from childhood to old age.

The museum contains three wax figures of him at various ages that have been painstakingly researched and created using original portraits, busts, and his actual clothing.
Shown here at the Federal Building in New York City, Washington is taking the oath of office to become President at age 57.

And the museum also contains his teeth, which were not wood, but human and cow, and set in metal. What a horrible thing to have to deal with every day! No wonder he didn't smile for portraits.

This visit to Mount Vernon is our last official Washington DC highlight. We have had a GREAT time in DC, and would highly recommend visiting, especially if you can go by boat. The moorings are inexpensive, close to all the museums, and close to a grocery store. The museums are top notch, free, and hold the historical treasures of our country. The art collections here are world class and beautifully displayed in architecturally stunning buildings. And where else can you anchor in the President's backyard?

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