
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Almost to Washington DC

Norfolk's mascot is the mermaid and they're all over town.

We spent a rainy Friday in Norfolk, Va anchored next to "Kookaburra". During a break in the weather we went into Norfolk and had the worst service ever at a bar, then went across to Portsmouth and scored a free chart book for the Chesapeake.
Friday morning found us both heading out; "Kookaburra" to Groton, Ct, and us up the Chesaeake.
We turned left at the Thimble Shoal Light...
and had a nice reach for quite a while. As Steve on Seahorse V would say, "We were buying beers".
Then the weather got not so nice as we passed Wolf Trap Light. We continued on to Jackson Creek near Deltaville, picked our way through the crab pots, and anchored for the night.

The next day gave us blustery winds out on the Chesapeake and we bashed into the slop for hours. We finally pulled into Smith Creek near Pt. Lookout Marina and had this view as we anchored.
We realized we were back to latitude 38 again, and checking the charts saw that we were also anchored near the Corinthian Yacht Club! Weird. But it wasn't the Bay Area Corinthian Yacht Club, it was this Corinthian Yacht Club:

Another day of motorsailing into the wind brought us to last night's anchorage: simply off to the side, out of the channel with this pleasant view.
It looks like it DOES take three days to get up the Potomac River to Washington DC. We should arrive right on schedule to meet the crew of "Brown Sugar" Wednesday afternoon.

Let the good times roll!

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