
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Tea at the Grand Floridian

We generally avoid Busyland, but the other day we drove to the Grand (and I do mean Grand) Floridian Hotel for tea.
The lobby and restaurant are gorgeous and the gracious staff gave the girls roses for their birthdays.

The first course was fruit and cheese with a dab of honey comb and an edible orchid.

Next came curry chicken, egg salad, cucumber, and beet sandwiches with a tiny onion tart.

The dessert course included scones, pastries, and a blueberry lemon trifle with the Grand Floridian logo on top. Tres chic!

Being a Disney property, there were mouse ears and Disney characters everywhere. Mrs. Potts herself guided us into the tea room.

This property is beautifully done and very relaxing. We were hoping to find a croquet court after tea, but all we found were swimming pools and palm trees.

Being on the Disney property and right across the lake from the parks, folks who stay here take a boat to the parks instead of a shuttle bus. It all looked delightful and would have been a great place to stay if only we could afford $600.00 per night!

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