
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

West Palm Beach

After another good run up the ICW Tuesday with Epilogue, we arrived in Palm Beach. Palm Beach is a fancy residential area on the barrier island between the ICW and the ocean, but West Palm Beach is the lovely town across the ICW that we visited in the afternoon.
Don and Linda guided us around the city since they had been here previously. We had a great time walking through the downtown area with its trolleys, bike racks, sidewalk restaurants, and tasteful landscaping. It reminded us a little of the area in Oakland where one of our daughters lives.
We all got take away from a Lebanese deli and went out to our boat for dinner. After dinner more new friends, Earle and Helen, came by and we all got better acquainted. That's one of my favorite things about cruising; meeting all these interesting people and sharing stories. Of course we had no trouble getting along because we're cruisers and cruisers form friendships quickly.

And you'd be surprised at how similar this group of people is. We share not only a love of boating, but a love of adventure and travel, and a curiosity about our world, and a genuine interest in our fellow man. Most of the cruisers we've met will help you in any way they can, from advice and directions, to sharing a meal, to helping repair some piece of equipment.

On this merry-go-round of life, we feel blessed to be sharing these sailing adventures with such great people.

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