We arrived here in Georgetown, Exumas yesterday afternoon after an uneventful motorsail up from Clarence Town. We chose to anchor over by the Chat'n'Chill on Stocking Island so we could attend the Sunday Pig Roast.
During the height of the winter season there are sometimes 400 boats scattered around Georgetown, but this time of year things start thinning out as cruisers leave to escape the hurricane season. We had no trouble finding a nice spot in 15' of water just off the beach. You can see our boat anchored in the background of this photo.
Georgetown is just across the channel and has a nice grocery store, so this morning we hitched a ride in with Madhatter to get some fresh produce. On the way back we were going into the wind and I was absolutely soaked by the time we got back to our boats. And darn it; those were clean clothes!
After stowing the ice and groceries and changing clothes, we went ashore to buy our tickets and stake out our table.
The meal was generous and very nicely prepared. We sat at their picnic tables under trees and visited with other cruisers and vacationers. There is plenty of entertainment for all ages: volleyball, a rope swing, the bar, the beach, and rays to feed.
These rays are wild, but used to being fed by humans, so they come right up to you and if you hold your hand out flat with a bit of meat, and they suck it right up.
It was great to see them and touch them.
They seemed particularly affectionate towards this woman, but she admitted she'd been hand feeding them for about three years. I think they actually recognized her.
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