One of the wonderful things about returning to my childhood home was going through old family photos and reliving those memories. We laughed and laughed at some of them, and got a little weepy over others. Above you see me at about two years old with my two sisters and Mom and Dad. Typical family photo from that era. Dad is wondering if the photographer understands the camera, I'm paying no attention at all, Big Sister is trying to smile into the bright sunshine, Middle Sister is wiping her nose, and Mom has a tight grip on her shoulder. Maybe she was misbehaving and/or crying?
Then there is this classic pose of me "reading" Child Craft books at about three years old. I couldn't really read, but had memorized some of the pages and pretended to read. I still have that love of reading and we had over 800 books in our library before we downsized to go cruising.
Here I am at 10 years old. Can you believe I still have the same hairdo?
Here is a high school chum and his neon green Corvair. That car was pretty rough, but we drove to school in it every day until he got a bug-eye Sprite. (I hung around with the car and motorcycle guys.)
And finally here are the Captain and I shortly after we got married. What babies!
I hope you enjoyed this short stroll down Memory Lane. We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming: Sailing the Caribbean aboard Thistle.
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