We took a long walk up to Distillerie Depaz yesterday. It was one of those perfect Caribbean weather days with sparkling clear air and unbelievably blue skies.
As we walked up the drive, Mount Pelée came into view above the estate.
The chateau, which was built in 1922, is situated on a rise with a gorgeous view down to the sea.
The property is open to the public and several of the trees have plaques identifying them. This was a huge old Albizia niopoides, which is related to mimosa trees. What a beautiful specimen it is.
The map lover in me couldn't resist this 1954 map showing the different sugar cane fields. I tried to capture the same area on Google Maps. (I outlined the green portion.) The outline of the fields hasn't changed since 1954.
We figured it was at least three miles each direction and we got back to town about 2:30. We were tired, thirsty, and hungry, so we thought we'd eat at a restaurant, but they do this funny thing here where the restaurants close at 3:00 and open again at 6:00 for dinner. They refused to serve us. I guess we'll have to adjust our schedule to match their's if we want to eat out here in Saint-Pierre.
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