
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Arts and Crafts

A really long time ago I started making these embroidered tea towels of our various trips. So far I have finished three. Perhaps I should make them a little simpler so they don't take so long?
Notice how little my now-grown-up daughters are in this old photo? Boy, I am really WAY behind.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
And Malcolm still had red hair when we were there in 2002.
Using them sure brings back great memories. I just hope I can catch up someday, but now I have to add more for our sailing trip; Mexico, Central America, the Panama Canal, San Blas Islands, Cartagena, Aruba, Bonaire. I'd better buy a lot more tea towels! 


  1. I remember those teatowels, they look great can't wait to see the new ones you'll make for your sailing adventures! <3

  2. Thanks Allie. They are fun to make, but I need more towels. There is a crafts shop here. Maybe I'll find more there.


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