Sometimes here in Panama we feel like we have stepped into the Twilight Zone. Not only do people talk to us in a language we don't always understand, but time and prices seem to vary wildly also. Some days the bus comes at 10:00am, some days at 9:30. Some days our Internet works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the taxi costs $8.00, sometimes it costs $12.00 for the same route. Some weeks the vegetable truck comes on Tuesday and Thursday, some weeks it comes on Monday and Friday. Do you think all this could have anything to do with that 28 DVD set of the Twilight Zone that Malcolm picked up a few weeks ago?
Maybe more like outer limits. Anyway hope you guys are doing well still in Lynton? We loved Panama and got home the 28th. I already miss the green, rain and humidty. We wanted to thank you guys again for the great time, think of you both often and will be downloading photos soon and have some great ones of the two of you. Will email soon. Love to you both