
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Tales from Playas del Coco

We entered Costa Rica on Saturday, April 21st with WaySheGoes II. We anchored in Bahia Santa Elena and we're delighted to have Seahorse V arrive the next day. We all had a great time catching up.
The bay has no services at all so we made our own fun. We had a morning net, daily activities, and shared meals for several days. What great memories we made there.
On our last night I awoke to the sounds of dolphins around our boat. I quickly woke Malcolm and we ran on deck to witness a feeding frenzy in the water. With no moon, we were able to see the phosphorescent trails of both fish and dolphins. It was like an underwater fireworks show.
We then sailed to Playas del Cocos where we officially checked into Costa Rica. We feel fortunate that check-in only took us one day because other boats had reported two days for paperwork. Laundry, however, was a different story. It came back wet, wadded up, comingled with two other boat's clothes, and smelling of smoke. Luckily, we were friends with the other two boats, and easily sorted it out, but we refused to pay for it.
We are now in Bahia Herradura, Costa Rica, but will leave today for our last port; Golfito, where we will check out of Costa Rica and then head to Panama. Here is a photo Sheila took of us on the way to Bahia Santa Elena. Thanks Sheila

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