
Friday, May 29, 2015

Another Alden 44

There is another Alden 44 here in Panama. Its name is Indigo Moth and it's only three hull numbers away from ours. We have even met the owners, but have yet to visit each others boats. However, we did get measured by the Canal authorities together.

Getting measured is odd: you have to motor down to channel marker #6 at the appointed time and just hang out for a while. Then the big boat comes alongside and the official hops onto your boat.

The official was very cordial and claimed our boat had been through the canal in 1993 so he didn't even measure it; we just signed a few papers. I can't figure how he deduced that because the name, documentation number, and ownership has changed since 1993, but who am I to argue?


  1. I found you blog about a month ago and I am enjoying your project list as well as your tales of travel. Our sailboat "Lemanee" is also an Alden44 hull #21. We purchased her in June this year and are doing all the projects and kitting her out to sail from BC to Mexico this fall and from there, where ever the winds will take us. Keep blogging and maybe we will run into you in the near future. Kandy and Dennis

  2. Thank you for commenting. So good to hear from another Alden owner. There aren't very many of them out here cruising. It's a fine boat and handles the seas beautifully.
    One thing we wish we had added before we left is solar panels and 12v refrigeration. We have to run the genset twice a day to cool the plates in the old Grunert system. The noise and heat get very annoying.
    Let's keep in touch,

  3. I just purchased hull number 22 (Challenge) am in the middle of doing a refit and plan to be sailing south this coming fall. She’s currently on the hard in Charleston Sc. Does anyone know a good place to have new mattress’s made for her?


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