On Saturday evening, January 24th, we received the call that every cruiser dreads; the Captain's father had passed away. We were approaching Lázaro Cárdenas when we suddenly had cell reception and our daughter got through to us. It was totally unexpected, but thankfully the Captain had spoken with his father just three days previous.
We quickly decided to put the boat in Ixtapa Marina and fly home. We had to wait for sunlight and high tide to get into the marina, but we were in our slip by 10:00 and had tickets by noon. We arrived home Monday the 27th at 11pm. The past week has been a whirlwind of activity as you might expect, but we are enjoying visiting with family and helping the Captain's mother deal with all the details.
Ned had a good long life with lots of adventures and travels. He was always an entrepreneur and even after he retired, he tackled projects with determination and inventiveness. He had a gift for gab and literally never met a stranger. He was a long time community volunteer and served for 55 years in Sertoma International, on the County Grand Jury, and numerous other organizations. He was a faithful donor at the local Blood Bank and was a member of the 55 gallon club. He leaves his wife of 67 years, three sons, five grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and many, many friends.
As soon as Ned gets done telling a few jokes at the Pearly Gates, I'm sure he will look back on his life with no regrets. We should all be so blessed.
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