
Friday, February 27, 2015

At the Marina Chahue

We left Acapulco on Tuesday February 24th around 10:15am. After motoring out of the bay, we were able to turn the motor off at 11:00am and had a very nice sail in 8-12 knot winds for many hours. We ran out of wind around 10:00pm so we turned on the engine again until 9:00am when we had enough wind to sail again. And sail we did! We were eventually flying along at 8 knots for several hours until we decided we were going too fast and needed to slow down so we wouldn't arrive in port in the dark. We put the main away and continued on with half our genoa out.
We arrived at Bahia Santa Cruz at 7:00am and slowly made our way around the reef and anchored behind Punta Rosas where we got cleaned up, had some breakfast, and took naps. We spent the night there after making arrangements to come into the marina Friday morning. And here we are now at Marina Chahue. It's a very nice marina with beautiful docks, electricity, potable water, an English speaking harbormaster, and Internet.
The old girl looks pretty good after sailing 2500 miles to get here, doesn't she?

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