
Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Islands Near La Paz

After stopping at Puerto Ballena on Isla Espiritu Santo, then Ensenada Grande on Isla Partida, we had a nice sail up to Isla San Francisco where we spent two days exploring.

Early Saturday morning we went ashore and hiked the ridge trail, which was filled with gorgeous views and numerous butterflies.

Around noon we motored to the East anchorage and walked the beach looking for agates. It would have helped if we knew what we were looking for, but I think the rock in the middle of the map is one.
Next we motored to the North anchorage to check out the shell beach, then we motored up to Isla San Jose and anchored near the mangroves which we explored with the dinghy.
We heard there was a "norther" coming so we moved up to Punta Salinas and anchored with two other boats. We sat there for two days until it blew itself out a bit. There used to be a salt mining operation there. Below you see some of the abandoned equipment with Thistle in the background.

Then we rode the "buffaloes" back to Isla Partida and anchored at Ensenada Grande again for two peaceful days. And now we are back in La Paz where we will reprovision and plan our trip across to the mainland.

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