We looked at this Alden 44 in Sausalito too. The Aldens have beautiful classic looks, but a modern underbody and great sailing and handling. This one even had a bow thruster.
They are very nicely fitted out down below with thoughtful storage everywhere.
The Alden 44 has the galley in the starboard passageway between the aft cabin and the main cabin and a traditional settee and table arrangement midship.
This Alden 44 had a rather odd arrangement though. You enter the aft cabin from the cockpit and right at the foot of the companionway ladder is the nav station. To port and starboard were quarter berths under the cockpit. Going forward were two doors; the port door went through the head and the starboard door went through the galley to the saloon. So your guests would either have to walk through the bathroom or the kitchen to get to the dining area.
Here's one of the quarter berths in the aft cabin.
This Alden 46 is on our radar, but it is in Annapolis, Maryland.
Again the traditional midship settees and dining table. There is also a V berth up forward. We've never tried to sleep in a V berth - I wonder if it will be comfortable.
There is also a small aft cabin tucked under the starboard side of the cockpit, and a small head right across from the galley.
The galley on this boat is at the foot of the companionway ladder with the sink on the centerline of the boat. You can see the nav station tucked under the cockpit there just aft of the galley on the port side.
The best thing about this boat is the shower stall in the forward head! We had a walk through head on our other boat and you showered right there in the middle of it all, splashing water all over everything. We had a shower curtain, but it was still messy. This would be SO much better.
So now all we have to do is sell something and get on a plane to Maryland.....
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